Frequently Asked Questions

What is screenshotlayer?
Who runs the screenshotlayer API?
Rendering Engine & Image Quality
How does the screenshotlayer rendering engine work?
Does the API support Graphs, Canvas, Webfonts or CSS3?
What are "dedicated workers"?
API Access & Features
How do I get an API Access Key?
What happens if I exceed my API Request volume?
What is the API's uptime?
Which image output formats are supported?
Can I set custom HTTP headers?
Are there any direct options to export my snapshots?
Can I request thumbnails?
Can I set a custom period for my snapshots to be cached?
Can I specify a capturing delay to let animations/effects finish loading?
Plans, Pricing & Payment
What is the difference between Free and Paid Subscriptions?
Which Subscription Plan fits my needs?
Which payment methods are supported?
Can I also pay yearly?
How do I cancel/downgrade?
How do I cancel/downgrade?
How do I change between monthly and yearly billing?

Any more questions?